Saturday, September 22, 2007

Character Designs and Backgrounds

Here are the backgrounds I have so far. This one has the look I'm going for:

This one needs fixing still. It is the inside of the fairy hill, where all the fairies will be partying. It isn't as graphically simple as the look I'm going for. Also, the farmer guy will just blend right in:

Speaking of characters, here is the farmer guy, the lead fairy and a generic fairy. The fairies will probably be glowing in the film:

And just for good measure, the farmer guy riding on a cow, playing the fiddle. This is the look I'm really going for here.

Introductions might not be nessesary

Odds are, you already know who I am. Just in case you miraculously found this without me telling you about it, I am a senior at USC studying animation.

This is where I'll be posting stuff for my thesis, hooray! I need a title...